The only organization dedicated solely to helping state boards advance equity and excellence in public education.

September 2015Volume 15, No. 3
Preparing Teachers and Leaders

Research shows that teacher quality makes the biggest difference of all the in-school factors that influence student learning. Teachers want to improve, and good principals want to prepare their teachers for any classroom challenge and support their professional development. But, raising the level of teaching in every classroom isn’t easy, nor is it an exact science. We are still learning what works, but it is clear state policymakers have a vital role in identifying, developing, evaluating, and supporting effective school leaders. This edition of The State Education Standard explores the many ways policymakers can ensure that those who teach and lead our children in public schools are better prepared and better supported to do their jobs well.

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Editor’s Note

From the Director’s Desktop

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NASBE Study Group Surveys State Leadership Development Policy

Stock taking of states reveals relatively little focus on principal development and responsibilities split among divisions of state education agencies.

By Bobbi Newman and Robert Hull


Renewing the Principal Pipeline

Six school districts are Renewing the Principal Pipeline taking up the challenge of ensuring their schools have a supply of effective principals, and their experiences can point other district and state leaders to how to do it.

By Brenda J. Turnbull


Retooling Teacher Preparation in West Virginia

Bold steps toward more rigorous preparation and certification of teachers required input from higher education leaders and dovetailed with new standards set by the Council for the Accreditation of Education Preparation.

By Gayle Manchin


Massachusetts Changes Its Approach to Educator Preparation Programs

A new state policy pushes schools and others that prepare educators to demonstrate need for their programs and to provide evidence that they have the capacity to run them.

By Heather Peske, Liz Losee, and Meagan Comb


Supporting Effective Teacher Evaluation

Most classroom practice is remarkably similar. Most classroom practice needs improvement. How can teacher evaluations that target a few top performers and struggling teachers ever move the needle?

By Drew H. Gitomer


Remaking Teacher Evaluation: A Heavy Lift for State Education Policymakers

Local control of teacher evaluation reform strains the capacity of state education agencies to support their districts and spurs some states to streamline their efforts.

By Patrick McGuinn


Teacher Leaders in Denver Public Schools

A sequence of changes in Denver paved the way for a program of teacher leadership that is expected to touch every school in the district by 2018.

By Lori Nazareno


The NASBE Interview: Sarah Brown Wessling


Featured Items


Expanding Access to K-12 High School Work-Based Learning

Several state boards are leveraging graduation requirements, diploma seals, specialized high schools, accountability systems, and aligning with business needs to expand work-based learning opportunities for more students.

Connecting Schools and Communities

Authors in this issue of the Standard suggest myriad ways in which communities can be force multipliers for ensuring that all children are engaged in learning and prepared to thrive as adults.
Girl writing at classroom desk. Image credit: iStock i

NASBE Statement on 2024 NAEP Results in Fourth and Eighth Grade Reading and Math

NASBE issued the following statement in response to the latest release of The Nation’s Report Card.

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